Something totally unexpected and painful happened yesterday... we went to Euroclinic and an ugly doctor pierced my ears... it really hurt... i can tell you, that hospital has not heard such crying in a long time, if ever... i did not like the procedure at all...
now take a good look at me and let me know what you think... was it worth it? My dad calls me the "bling monkey" and says that i look like a small orangutan who has just broke into a jewellery store, took some bling and quickly put it on... so quickly that the earrings are now reversed and you cannot see the diamonds... ooops, this was supposed to be a secret... but i am sure you will not tell anyone, will you?
i wonder... could it be that this was done for my parents' own amusement? i really suffered, so if this is the case (and i will find out one day...) they will not get away that easy... this i can promise...
see ya, my men...